Whether you want us to study your company's cleaning needs or you only have a question about hygiene, don't hesitate to contact us.

With more than 30 years of experience, we've solved every kind of hygiene problems over time. This is why at MAFS, we are capable of giving solutions even to the most complicated problems, whether it is about the use of products and machinery, type of soil and surface, maintenance…

Our technicians work from the highest level of compromise in order to give an exceptional support and service. We help you improve planning and organizing the different cleaning tasks so you can reduce your costs and achieve a higher productivity.

If you need a constant support service for the maintenance and care of your cleaning equipment through a preventive maintenance plan, you can either visit our maintenance and repair section and fill out the contact form, or you can directly call us to 968 85 25 06.

You can also check out our news section, it is possible that you can find a solution to your hygiene problems in our releases.

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